The creative process evolving in direction of intermedial concepts composing plots of paper art (origami, kirigami), games of chance and photography. The content is made out of art research results, all contained in the object-book sized 20×20 cm as the project crowning effect. The book has 254 pages, 50 domino pieces and a cardboard jigsaw puzzle finished with glossy and matte overlay. Color scheme is dominated by white and black with red accents.
The book is a documentation of creative process creating a matrix, initiated by square-based origami. The matrix then succumbed to destruction by cuts alongside prominent lines where the paper is bent. That’s how two matrices came to life and one of them – after applying graphic paint – was processed under the press.
Cut elements were laid out on contrasting base and the infinite ways of rearranging fragments allowed me to register new paintings solidified in photography.
It’s also thanks to multitude of compositions the logo for the whole work emerged, carved out on the book cover and presented on multiple pages.
The graphic sings created further down the line were processed digitally creating modules, allowing to use them in more usable form like packaging, clothing material, geometrical interior design, carpets, wallpapers etc.
Domino has been created from paintings placed in the book and alludes to it perfectly thanks to it’s base characteristic. It is a kind of fun, a puzzle, a game similar to the process of building a painting with matrices fragments.
Jigsaw puzzle is culmination of the whole piece but mainly it’s initial design. Exchangeability of the elements (including the front and the back) allows not only to create new designs based in a square but also to play with form, composition, color and light by applying matte and glossy foil.